It's been months in the making, but the keys to our studio space are finally in our hands!!! And we are sooo excited. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that we'd end up with a studio in this amazing building - the old Younghusband Wool Store in Kensington. Most people have seen it from the railway line or CityLink - with it's unmissable old style warehouse lettering on the side. I love it. And it's going to be home to our business for the next 3 years at least!

A lot of the spaces in the building have exposed beams and lovely flooboards, but ours (the one with the best lighting) has horrible lino flooring (see below). Our first task is to rip this up and expose the boards below. Fingers crossed it all goes well.

That floor has got to go :)
Omigod that building looks fabulous and just right for a creative studio. Well done and good luck girls.
WOW! I'm so looking forward to seeing this all come together. Good luck with it all girls :)
wat goed van jullie dat je die vloer eruit gesloopt hebt,
was echt geen porum.
maar aan de blauwe vensterbanken(zou ze zelf vuurrood gemaakt hebben) kan nog wel het eenen ander gebeuren.
verder hoop ik dat er hier in het wonderschone Nederland ook spullen van jullie op de markt komen.
voor de rest wens ik jullie alle geluk van de wereld toe.
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