Lara, B and I were having this conversation last evening, over a bottle of bubbly- we thought back 12 months when we were all in (and heading to) really different places (for example, Lara and I hadn't even met!) and now, here we are, totally connected and cheers-ing to our first Christmas at I&S!!
I guess you just never quite know which direction life will take you. I really thought I was going to be an art teacher forever, and over the last couple of weeks I have had to say goodbye to all my gorgeous students (I miss you SASC guys already!) - which has been the only downside to starting up this business, and sadly I couldn't do both jobs and stay sane.
Ok, I've been told to keep my posts short, so moving on.
- On behalf of us all, a massive 'Thank You!' to everyone who has read, commented, emailed, bought, visited and encouraged us. Trust us, we loved it :)
- Keep your eyes out early in the new year for some new designs... here's a sneak peak at (so far) my fav one, called Antique Keys:

(sorry about the terrible phone camera pic, but you get the idea!)
Finally, from the three of us, wishing you all happy and most importantly, safe holidays - we'll see you in the new year! Cheers!
xx Bianca, Lara and Teegs