... the lovely Theresa! Our latest Kiwi- er, I mean - intern!
Printy, printy!
Theresa traveled all the way from Wellington, New Zealand just to spend two weeks with us - how special do we feel!?! Theresa is a fourth year Textile Design student at Massey University in Wellington and she's ace. No, really! ACE!!
She was such a huge help, did everything from printing to folding tons of fabric for the MDM and all kinds of other misc crappy jobs - without complaint! AND a smile! Amazing - she was the ray of super helpful sunshine we needed in the lead up to the Design Market!
Thanks, Theresa! :D We're gonna miss you!
It was hilarious when we had both Lou & Theresa working at the same time - we heard nothing but 'choice, ay!"s the whole day.
We giggled.
Did we mention we love Kiwi's? Coz we totally do.
Anyhoo, if you would like to meet either of our delightful New Zealander's, then make sure you come along tomorrow to the Melbourne Design Market @ the Fed Square carpark from 10am to 5pm!
See y'all there!
xx (one already thoroughly exhausted) Teegs
Did I mention I LOVE Kiwi's! In my previous life (read pre children) I lived in London and all the people I met, who subsequently became great mates with were Kiwis!
See you Monday!
Oh, I hope you did have a fun day today with your interns. Wish we could have been there.
We had our 'intern' with us at market day yesterday, she does everything with a smile on her face too - so lovely. (and we've amazingly got another intern in the waiting..... we'll we're all in the waiting for the shop really).
Take care, hope we can see you girls soon.
- E xxxx
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