GUESS what!?
Lara found a little dead bat at the back of our building yesterday, and asked me to come and check it out, so we went to have a closer look and it was a cute little native Australian Goulds Wattled Bat (we Googled it) almost the size of my finger. It had obviously got in over the weekend and hadn't been able to find it's way out again, and I was sad we hadn't found it sooner. So I went to get some paper towel to pick it up.
Then Larz said "I think it's breathing!" and lo, it was! Though he (once we discovered it was alive, it ceased being 'it' and became 'he') wasn't in a very good way. Who knew how long he'd been stuck inside with no water!!
I picked him up (Larz followed at a bit of a distance) and took him to the studio where I very carefully gave him a drink from a plastic lid. He was
so thirsty and drank what seemed to be heaps for a tiny bat.
We found a wildlife rescue number online and gave them a call but they just said to take it to the nearest Vet. I'd done this for an injured bird once before and they put it to sleep, so I wasn't very keen on that idea. That didn't matter because very shortly after this, he perked right up and started looking around and blinking at us! Hooray!
He had the cutest lil faceWe thought we should get a pic for the blog, Larz got the camera and I uncovered him a little and - duh! - he took off flying around the office!! Poor Larz squealed and hit the deck, I told her to get under her desk while we waited for him to land, but he flew out the office door and in to the printing room and did laps around and around while I opened windows and waited for him to fly away or land.
He did finally land, so I picked him up and put him in a box with some fabric to hide in and some more water - they poor little guy was terrified. We were going to let him outside, but it was the middle of the day, so we ended up leaving him safe and sound in the box until evening. They're nocturnal, after all.
And the sharpest lil teeth!By six, we were wanting to go home and so I took our little friend out to the balcony so he could fly away, but he must have decided he liked it at I&S and wouldn't go! I ended up leaving him snuggled into his bit of fabric, so he could head off when he felt like it - and he was gone the next morning :)
I love a happy ending. And Larz loves having a bat-free environment again. It's just lucky Bee wasn't there - both girls are scared of moths, imagine them with a bat loose in the studio!!