Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogtoberfest 12th

Leaving it a wee bit late to blog today! But we got totally distracted today whilst the ever talented Jem visited and made some modifications to our trough (more on that soon!) and Angus our impending new neighbour downstairs shared a desk and a laugh for most of the day. Oh and Teegs came back to work for the day which always brightens things up! She's feeling better but still needs to rest up a little more.

So thankfully we have a pretty picture or two to post! I still owe Leonie from Raglan Guld a post about the fishermans pants she made for us (which we forgot to take a photo of whilst all wearing them at the Stitches show!) but in the meantime here's some pretty things she's made:

Pincushion by Raglan Guld (Bonsai in Olive) oh and find the tutorial here!

Tote bag for Leonie's mum by Raglan Guld (using Antique Keys)

And do check our Leonie's custom made fishermans pants, they're awesome.

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