As you might have noticed, this year we've decided to consolidate our textile range and release new colourways in suites! But first we need to sell a whole bunch of fabric we don't want to print anymore. Soooo, we're having our FIRST EVER (and maybe only ever)
SALE! Hooray!
We've got
red! We've got
white! We've got
black! Don't miss out on these never-to-be-repeated prices! Up to 40% off!! That's right, kids - everything must go, go, go!
Well... not everything. Sorry, I tend to get a little carried away. And now I can't remember anymore tacky sale clichés.
Anyhoo - go check out
this page for all the goodness.
DO IT NOW! Once they're gone, you won't be seeing them...
ever again.
xx Teegs
Oh bugger! I really wanted some Birch on Chocolate, but it's already sold out!!! Bugger, bugger, bugger!
I just blogged about this over at Selvedge House blog - used some of your images; hope you don't mind?!
Can't wait to see your newest fabric launch. Yah!
I am sooooooooo excited! I have been following you gals from the start and loving your creative designs and generous natures, and today i made my first purchase! Being a student money is pretty tight around here and the other day when my cousin paid me for babysitting for her 3 year old and 5 month old (both boys)for 7 hours,i told her with a squeal that all of the money was going straight to Australia! I purchased some birch in gold and charcoal sumor on natural, i can't wait! I was hoping that there was a "leave a comment for the seller" section on the site where i purchased but seeing none i am writing to you ladies here. i cannot wait to recieve the fabric and i wish you all the best in launching your new line, there is someone in Chicago excited to see what you are creating!
You forgot to offer us a free set of steak knives!
I also didn't know you sold your plain linen. This could be dangerous. I love linen and Spotlight's linen is SHITE and I don't know where else I can get it from but WAIT! Now I do! From you guys! <3
Jolly xx
great fabric.. now if only i knew how to sew.. or owned a sewing machine..
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