Win a Softies and Screenprinting workshop pass!
We have two pieces of super duper exciting news. The first is that Little Harvest (the lovely ladies teaching screen printing workshops in our studio) are also conducting a Softies and Screenprinting workshop and are giving away a free spot in the next class!! If you want to go into the running, go here!

Softies and Screenprinting class with Little Harvest

Softies and Screenprinting class with Little Harvest
The other bit of exciting news is that Little Harvest are now our permanent studio mates here at the Ink & Spindle studio!! Yup, they moved all their gear in a week or so ago and the studio is already looking so much more exciting, vibrant and creative due to their presence! It's so nice to have some extra creative ladies sharing our space. Even though they're here mostly when we're not and we're like ships passing in the night ;)
A quick funny story:
Lara C (me) & Lara D (harvest) were talking on the phone the other day and the conversation went like this:
Lara C: "It's just so great to have new shelving in the studio and now everything has a home!"
Lara D: "Yeah I come from a very organised family. My mum's a librarian."
Lara C: "OMG, my mum is a librarian too! What does your dad do??"
Lara D: "My dad's a mathematician."
Lara C: "OMG my dad's a mathematician too!"
Lara D: "Yeah he does statistics type stuff."
Lara C: "Yeah he does! How did you know that?"
Lara D: "No i mean my dad does statistics."
Lara C: "No way! My dad does statistics stuff too!!"
I mean what are the chances!
xx Lara
(Teegs Edit: Also, two Lara's = confusing for me.)
That is pretty freaky.
Very freaky and funny. Hope to make a visit and see you all next week!
wow. what a coincidence!
Those softies are gorgeous! And you girls crack me up : )
That's a pretty cool coincidence!
Aha!! - your comment about our parents is so funny!! Did your family have a very organised fridge?! From Lara D's sister
Hehe, they did have a very organised fridge! They'd have the whole week's eating planned ahead, with precisely the correct amount of veggies etc required. In fact, they still do :)
looks like you have found your doppelganger
Thanks Teegs and Lara for welcoming the Harvest team into your studio.
And congrats to Melissa Egan who won the prize! x Lara .D
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