Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unexpected niceness

Sometimes we are just blown away by the volume of unexpected generousity, kindness and support we receive from people out there in the world. The other day I wrote this brief blog post about feeling a little uninspired & lost, and in response quite a few people emailed and commented with perspective shifting advice and feedback.

But by far the most amazing response was from a very warm, generous and thoughtful woman named Carmen, who sent us this amazing package. Each item was wrapped individually & beautifully, with a card attached explaining it's significance and origin. And everything came in pairs. But of course it was the letter she wote that was most touching.

(Help Japan ceramic birds by Shin Shin)

Thank you Carmen, for reminding us that creating and sharing beauty is both worthwhile and appreciated.

x Lara.

1 comment:

Rie said...

Oh, that's just the sweetest thing! Carmen must be a star!!